
Giving changes lives and demonstrates our understanding that God is the provider of everything.

Giving at StoneBridge

In giving, we recognize God as first and able to do immeasurably more than we can ever do on our own. Faithful giving allows us the church to reach and care for our city and world like never before.

Automated giving is one of the most intentional ways to stay consistent.

Ways to Give

There is no gift too big or too small. When we say every dollar counts, it truly does. Every cent equips the Kingdom and we steward church resources to prepare for all God has in store!

Stewardship & Generosity Resources For You

Simply put, stewardship is carefully and responsibly managing all resources God provides for the glory of God and the betterment of his creation! Generosity is expressed when we give above the tithe.

Whatever stage you find yourself in, we have resources available and are here to support you!

Stream StoneBridge Messages that unpack Biblical principles about finances to transform how you view and manage resources. Be encouraged to live a lifestyle of generosity while growing in your faith.

Stream studies and devotionals on personal finances! Rightnow Media is like the Netflix of Christian Bible studies with a plethora of valuable tools and resources on personal finances. Experience it for yourself. Simply log in or sign up for a free account to get started.

Financial Peace University is a two-hour class hosted on your campus for 5 consecutive weeks with people who are working on getting out of debt and saving money, just like you. Register for a future in-person event or take it online to discover how to handle money God’s way! 

Whatever financial season you find yourself in, we are here to support you. Our Pastors can provide spiritual and practical guidance, helping you align your financial decisions with your faith, leading you to financial peace! 

Join Us for Easter!
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