Make a Difference

Serving is a great way to live out your faith and get
involved in the StoneBridge community.

Make a Difference at Church

Parking Team

 The Parking Team is responsible for the logistics and safety of the parking lot. The parking team will direct traffic, park cars, and ensure that people are safe in the parking lot…all with a smile!

Greeter Team

Greeters stand outside the front of our buildings greeting everyone with energy and excitement. Lots of high fives, complimenting people, handing out stickers to kids, etc. and make sure the warm welcome continues through our doors and into the auditorium. 

Usher Team

 Our Usher Team is the next set of faces people will see. The usher team takes care of our guests and members from once they enter our auditoriums to when they leave. Ushers have a particularly logistical role, from welcoming and seating people, to taking offerings, helping with communion, and counting attendance.

Coffee Team

 This team provides fresh coffee for our church! They help brew coffee, set up the cafe area, serve coffee, and clean up at the end of the day. A smile and a cup of coffee go a long way toward making someone’s day!


The hospitality team makes sure anywhere that there is food served, snacks offered, treats passed out, or an event put on, the experience is excellent! Whether decorating for an event or helping to cater food for Difference Makers during a busy Sunday or regular ministry events like First Steps, our hospitality team has what they need for a great experience.

New Guest Team

The New Guest Team team goes above and beyond to make sure every new guest at StoneBridge feels cared for, valued, and seen. This team engages new guests personally, guides them through the building, and explains how they can get connected at StoneBridge. If Greeters are the welcome party, the New Guest Team are the guides!

Worship Team

That’s right, the worship team are also Difference Makers! Our worship teams spend so much time preparing for the weekend, showing up early, and bringing their best to lead our church in worship through music. If you’re gifted in playing an instrument or singing, you could use that gift to lead worship in our worship bands on Sundays.

Production Team

The Production team serves behind the scenes in the worship center to make sure everything works in a way that everyone can experience the worship music, teaching, walk-in music, and more distraction free. So, if you like technical roles like helping with computer slides, cameras, lighting, etc…then the production team may be a great fit for you.

Photography Team

 We serve to participate in and capture the hand of God at work in our church. The photography team are witnesses who use their creative skills to photograph Sunday mornings, baptisms, weekly church ministries, and events for the church’s creative-marketing purposes and congregation enjoyment.

Prayer Team

The prayer team gives power to every other team. This team meets before every service to pray over the day, often prays over pastors and other teams before worship services, and leads our prayer moments after service, praying over people who request it.

Seek First

This ministry has a gathering on the first Wednesday of each month for worship, community, and a time of prayer. Seek First Difference Makers serve at the monthly gathering as Greeters, Prayer Team, New Guest Team, Production, and Environment/Hospitality team. 


SBKids Difference Makers provide a fun, relational, and safe place for kids and families to grow together on their faith journey. There are too many roles to list here, but range from working behind-the-scenes to interacting directly with kids. 


 SBYth Difference Makers help middle school and high school students get connected to God and each other through Blitz Nights, Small Groups, retreats, and camps. They also make a difference by serving as greeters, check-in, First Time Guest at our SBYth events. 


The operations team is a “behind the scenes“ team that enhances the Sunday morning service, as well as the experience of any special ministry opportunity, by helping with all things related to setup, logistics, and safety. The operations team helps create the space and environment where Jesus does his transformative work.


Outreach Difference Makers represent StoneBridge and the love of Jesus outside the church’s four walls. From outreach events organized by StoneBridge to connecting with our local ministry partners and global outreach gives you a chance to meet the needs of the community and beyond.

Make a Difference in Our Community

A key strategy in fulfilling our purpose is partnering with like-minded organizations to address community needs in the focus areas of poverty, education, and justice. There are numerous local partners who are accepting volunteers continually.

Find a local StoneBridge Partner to volunteer with in your passion & area.