What to Expect

We can't wait to meet you this Sunday!

StoneBridge Locations

Each service to last one hour

Thought-provoking and engaging messages based on the Bible

Video teaching at our multisites from Senior Pastor Mark Chitwood or a StoneBridge pastor

High-energy worship music

Fun teaching for your kids

There's a place for everyone at StoneBridge.

Kids Ministry

Kids from birth-5th grade learn who God is and who they are in SBKids. 

Student Ministry

SBYth exists to lead students in 6th-12th grade to become passionate followers of Jesus. 

Next Steps

 Whether your Next Step is baptism, serving, or joining a Group, we have a Next Step that’s right for you.

Care & Support

 Whether you need guidance in your marriage, parenting, finances, or support during a season of grief, we’re here for you.


Jesus called us to Share Christ to every nation - and we take this charge seriously. See how you can get involved.