Celebrate Easter at StoneBridge!

You’re invited to celebrate Easter with StoneBridge, live in-person and online, April 17 through April 20! Experience an encouraging message of hope, inspirational music, and fun for the family – like the Easter bunny and family photo ops. We look forward to celebrating Easter with you!

Visiting For The First Time? 

 We know it can be hard to visit a church for the first time, so we have details that will help make your first visit easier! Click the link below to find out what you can expect when you walk into StoneBridge.


Times & Locations

Each service is approximately one hour long.


Thursday, April 17  
Worship & Dessert Potluck  6:30p 

Sunday, April 20  
Easter Service  10a  


Thursday, April 17  
Easter Service  7p 

Sunday, April 20  
Easter Services  9:30a, 11a  


Thursday, April 17  
Easter Service  7p 

Sunday, April 20  
Easter Services  9a, 10:30a, 12p  


Thursday, April 17  
Easter Service  7p 

Sunday, April 20  
Easter Services  8:30, 10a, 11:30a  

Fun for the Kids!

Eggstravaganza | April 19

A highlight of our Easter celebration each year is Eggstravganza! We have multiple opportunities for all ages to hunt eggs at our campuses. Choose an egg hunt below and we’ll see you this Easter for some Easter-sized fun!  

SBKids | April 17 & 20

If you have kids, SBKids will take care of your children while you enjoy the service. Our staff and volunteers are the best and most experienced you’ll find. You can rest assured your children will be loved and taken care of in a safe, secure, and exciting environment designed just for them.

We think church should be fun for kids, so we’ve created kids experiences that are a blast for children of all ages! Your kids will participate in fun activities and crafts, energetic worship, and storytelling with other children their age.

Make a Difference This Easter!

 Serve with us for Easter Services! We would love to have you join us and be a part of making a difference this Easter through serving. We have opportunities in First Impressions, Eggstravaganza, SBKids, and more on Thursday, Saturday and Sunday!

Join Us for Easter!
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